
  • Дмитрий Александрович Браткин St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Th e article is part of a preliminary report of the ongoing research project that deals with the library of the former Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society. Th is library is now part of the library of the State Museum of the History of Religion in St Petersburg. Th e team of scholars is now studying this library in order to reconstruct the aims and analytical outlook of the IOPS at the peak of its work. Th e author suggests that it is appropriate to accept the wider approach to the description of fulns and illustrates this with an example of an extended description of one of the off -prints, namely Tractatus de locis et statu sancte terre ierosolimitane, published by Georg Martin Th omas in 1865. Th e article gives an outline of G. M. Th omas’ scholarly career, the particularities of the publication, and the context of Tractatus. Th e method and scope of its author is described as ‘projective ethnography’ (following B. Z. Kedar). It is to be noted that the treatise is one of the earliest sources of the Assassin legend in Europe. Refs 15.


Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society, library studies, Holy Land studies, assassins, projective ethnography


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Catalogus codicum latinorum Bibliothecae regiae Monachensis secundum Andreae Schmelleri indices composuerunt Carolus Halm Fridericus Keinz Gulielmus Mayer Georgius Th omas. T. 2 p. 3. Monachii: Sumptibus Bibliothecae Regiae 1878. 343 S. [Nachdr. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz 1969].

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Tractatus de locis et statu Sancte Terre lerosolimitane. Una relazione dall’Oriente Anonimo // I cristiani e il favoloso Egitto: una relazione dall’Oriente e La storia di Damietta di Oliviero da Colonia / ed. AldoAngelo Settia Giancarlo Andenna et al. Genova: Marietti 2009. (Verso l’Oriente 4.) P. 47–60.


Eckstein F. A. Nomenclator philologorum. Leipzig Teubner 1871. VII 656 S.

Pökel W. Philologisches Schrift steller-Lexicon. Leipzig Krüger 1882. 328 S.

von Prantl K. Georg Martin Th omas [Nekrologe]. Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-philologischen Classe der k. b. München Akademie der Wissenschaft en zu München1887 S. 255–258.

von Simonsfeld H. Th omas Georg Martin. Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie hrsg. von der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaft en. Bd. 541908 S. 697–700.

vom Bruch R. Th omas Georg Martin. Bosls bayerische Biographie / hrsg. von Karl Bosl. Regensburg Pustet 1983. 776 S.

Rando D. Mediävistische Venedig-Forschung 1850–1950. Ein erster Überblick zu Th emen und Problemen. Das europäische Mittelalter im Spannungsbogen des Vergleichs: Zwanzig internationale Beiträge zu Praxis Problemen und Perspektiven der historischen Komparatistik / Hrsg. von Michael Borgolte. Berlin de Gruyter2001 S. 171–186.

Jotitzky A. Ethnographic Attitudes in the Crusader States: Th e Franks and the Indigenous Orthodox People. East and West in the Crusader States: context contacts confrontations: acta of the congress held in Hermen Castle in September 2000 / eds Krijnie Ciggaar and Herman Teule. Louvain Peeters Publ. 2003 (Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta 125) pp. 1–19.

Ciggaar K. Adaptation to Oriental Life by Rulers in and around Antioch: Examples and Exempla. East and West in the medieval eastern Mediterranean. Eds K. Ciggaar and M. Metcalf. Louvain Peeters Publ. 2006 (Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta 147) xxvi 378 p.

Kedar B. Z. Th e Tractatus de locis et statu sancte terre ierosolimitane. Th e Crusades and their Sources: Essays presented to Bernard Hamilton. Eds John France and William G. Zajac. Aldershot Ashgate1998 pp. 111–133. (reprint: Kedar Benjamin Zeev. Franks Muslims and Oriental Christians in the Latin Levant: Studies in Frontier Acculturation. Kedar Benjamin Zeev. Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum 2006. P. 111–133 [paginatsiia II.])

Pages M. Th e Image of the Assassins in Medieval European Texts. PhD Diss. University of Massachusetts. Amherst 2007. Doctoral Dissertations Available from Proquest. Paper AAI3275784. Available at: (accessed 15.08.2015).

Catalogus codicum latinorum Bibliothecae regiae Monachensis secundum Andreae Schmelleri indices composuerunt Carolus Halm Fridericus Keinz Gulielmus Mayer Georgius Th omas. T. 2 p. 3. Monachii: Sumptibus Bibliothecae Regiae 1878. 343 S. [Nachdr. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz 1969].

Röhrich R. Bibliotheca Geographica Palaestinae Chronologisches Verzeichniss der auf die Geographie der heiligen Landes bezüglichen Literatur von 333 bis 1878 und Versuch einer Cartographie hrsg. von Reinhold Röhricht. Berlin Reuther1890 XX. 742 S.

Katalog der Handschrift en der Universitäts-Bibliothek zu Leipzig — Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Universitatis Lipsiensis. Abt. 4. Die lateinischen und deutschen Handschrift en der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig. Bd. 1. Die theologischen Handschrift en. Beschrieben von Rudolf Helssig. Teil 1 (Ms 1-500). Leipzig: Universitäts-Bibliothek 1926. [Nachdruck Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz 1995]. 815 S.

O zemle Ierusalimskoi i ee obitateliakh [On the Land of Jerusalem and Its Inhabitants]. Russian translation by N. S. Gorelov. Tsarstvie Nebesnoe: Legendy krestonostsev XII–XIV vekov [Th e Kingdom of Heaven. Crusader Legends of the 13th–14th Centuries]. St. Petersburg Azbuka-klassika Publ.2006 pp. 141–154.

Tractatus de locis et statu Sancte Terre lerosolimitane. Una relazione dall’Oriente Anonimo. I cristiani e il favoloso Egitto: una relazione dall’Oriente e La storia di Damietta di Oliviero da Colonia. Eds Aldo Angelo Settia Giancarlo Andenna et al. Genova Marietti 2009 (Verso l’Oriente 4) pp. 47–60.



How to Cite

Браткин, Д. А. (2018). TREATISE “ON THE PLACES AND STATE OF THE LAND OF JERUSALEM” (ED. GEORG MARTIN THOMAS) IN THE LIBRARY COLLECTION OF THE IMPERIAL ORTHODOX PALESTINIAN SOCIETY. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 32(1), 136–142. Retrieved from

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