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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • UDC-index;
  • Author’s full name, academic degree, position (title), place of employment, institutional mailing address, personal email;
  • Abstract (In Russian) - the recommended length for the abstract is 200–250 words;
  • Abstract (in English) - the recommended length for the abstract is 200–300 words;
  • The length of the articles (including metadata, footnotes, and references) is 30 000 to 40 000 characters including spaces;
  • References
  • Keywords (Russian);
  • Keywords (English);

Author Guidelines

  1. General guidelines

Articles submitted for publication should be original, finalized, and previously unpublished manuscripts. The recommended length of the articles (including metadata, footnotes, and references) is 30 000 to 40 000 characters including spaces.

Authors should submit their manuscripts through their personal or institutional email addresses by filling out the on-line form for submitting manuscripts on the journal’s website. The Editorial Board will not consider manuscripts submitted via paper copies, USB flash drives, CDs, DVDs, other types of data storage devices, or email addresses of third parties.

Materials are subject to mandatory preliminary verification of compliance with the formal requirements of the Journal: compliance of the content of the article with the topic stated in the title, permissible volume, structure, design, presence of elements of material completeness in the required volume, as well as the presence of signs of illegal borrowing of text, illustrations, tables and etc. Materials that do not meet the requirements presented are not reviewed.

The editorial board accepts article submissions throughout the calendar year and notifies the authors about preliminary verification‘s results within no more than 18 working days from the date of receipt of the article.

All manuscripts are subject to an initial screening, internal expert review, and external peer-review in accordance with our Peer Review Guidelines.

  1. Manuscript Guidelines
  • Submitted materials must include:
  • Title and text of the article;
  • The UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) index;
  • Abstracts in Russian and English;
  • Keywords;
  • References in Russian (only for Russian-language articles);
  • References in English;
  • Author’s Information.

2.1. General rules for text formatting

File format — DOC, DOCX

Typeface — Times New Roman;

The font size is twelve-point:

The line spacing should be 1.5.;

Margins-2 cm on each side;

First line indent of one centimeter for each paragraph;

Justified text alignment.


If the text of the article contains inscriptions in languages ​​that use the writing system not based on the Cyrillic / Latin alphabet (hieroglyphs, Arabic script, etc.), in addition to the text document, you must provide a pdf-version of the article.

The names of foreign companies, books, magazines, other foreign words written in Latin letters are given in the text in Latin letters without quotation marks and selections.

After mentioning in the text in Russian the names of foreign authors, company executives, etc. the first time in parentheses is the original spelling.

All abbreviations for the first use should be fully disclosed, with the exception of generally accepted and mathematical values.

If the text of the article contains notes, they should be made out as footnotes: a footnote is put in the text, the text of the note is taken out of the document text down the strip. Numbering of notes through throughout the text. Links in the text of notes are made out as in the text of the document. A detailed bibliographic description in the text of the notes is not allowed.

2.2. Metadata contains:

Paragraph 1: The UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) index — right-aligned;

Paragraph 2: EMPTY

Paragraph 3: The title of the article (funding information should be formatted as a footnote) — bold font style, center-aligned;

Paragraph 4: An abstract of the article — justified alignment;

Paragraph 5: Keywords (the word ‘keywords’ should be italicized and bolded) — width alignment;


Paragraph 6: EMPTY;

Paragraph 7: The title of the article in English — bold, centered;

Paragraph 8: An abstract of the article in English — justified alignment;

Paragraph 9: keywords (the word ‘keywords’ should be italicized and bolded) in English — justified alignment.

2.3. Abstract guidelines

The abstract should reflect the essence of the study and state the essential facts of the work. The abstract should not mention material that is not in the text of the article.

The abstract’s length in Russian is not less than 200 and not more than 250 words, in English - not less than 200 and not more than 300 words. Numbered / bulleted lists are not allowed. The abstract should be a single paragraph.

It is important for authors to consider the following: an abstract in Russian is the basis for preparing an author's resume in English, but it should not be translated verbatim, the basic rules and stylistics of the English language should be observed.

The abstract should be written in an methodical, coherent, and logical manner. The text of the abstract should be concise and should not contain any non-essential information or superfluous words. The abstract is a separate, comprehensive, and independent source of information. The abstract should not contain abbreviations or citations. It should be self-contained and not use footnotes.

Article may be rejected if their abstracts do not conform to these guidelines.

2.4. Keywords

— 5-10 words;

— the use of quotation marks is undesirable (instead of quotation marks, you can highlight the word in italics);

— there should be no abbreviations, formulas;

— keywords should not contain complex phrases.

2.5. Author’s data guidelines

Author’s Information should contain:

— in English - full name, initial of patronymic (if any), last name, place of work (full postal address of the organization, with an index), ORCID (if available);

— in Russian - full last name, first name, patronymic, place of work (full mailing address of the organization, with an index), ORCID (if available);

Information about organizational units and administrative positions (head of department, head of department, etc.) is not indicated.

Academic degrees and titles should be reduced:

Academic degrees

In English: PhD; Dr. Sci. in Philosophy etc.

In Russian: д-р / канд. филос. наук, д-р / канд. ист. наук и т. д.

Academic titles

In English:  prof., Associate professor

In Russian: проф., доц.

In English:

Ivan I. Ivanov— Dr. Sci. in Philosophy, Professor;

St. Petersburg State University,
7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

In Russian:

Иванов Иван Иванович — д-р филос. наук, проф.;

Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет,
Российская Федерация, 199034, Санкт-Петербург, Университетская наб., 7-9

We draw your attention to the need to observe the sequence of data in the addresses of organizations.

2.6. References and Bibliography Requirements

General recommendations

For all sources used for writing the work must be given:

— an in-text link, indicating the number in the list of references and the cited page;

— a detailed bibliographic description in the Literature section, indicating the author, year of publication, title of the work, name of the collection or magazine, publishing house, place of publication. Sources are listed in the original language. For an article in English, the Russian-language References are not compiled;

— a detailed bibliographic description in the References section, indicating the author, year of publication, translation of the title of the work into English, transliteration of the name of the collection or journal according to the standard Library of Congress, publishing house, place of publication.

The numbering of the Literature section and the References section is made out in the order of mentioning the source in the text, and the in-text link is enclosed in square brackets and looks like this:

[1, p. 20], where the first digit in brackets should correspond to the source number in the list. The second digit is the page number in the source.

The References list includes all sources from the References. Sources in languages using the Latin alphabet are not transliterated. Sources in languages that use the Cyrillic alphabet, or in Eastern languages, are transliterated.

Transliteration Rules for the References

  • Transliteration in the References list should be done in the Library of Congress system. For transliteration, you can use the site or In the second case, it is necessary to select the ALA-LC (Library of Congress) Romanization without Diacritics [Russkii iazyk] setting in the Convert to field.
  • Transliterated links to articles from magazines, collections of articles and conference materials: transliteration of the authors' full name, translation of the title of the article, transliteration of the name of the journal / collection / proceedings;
  • at the end of the description, indicate the DOI of the article (if any);
  • the lettering of the output data (volume, number, page) should be represented by the abbreviation of English words (vol., No., Pp.);
  • only the name of the publisher is transliterated, the word "publisher" is written in the abbreviation in English (for example, Nauka Publ.);
  • if the source is published in a language that uses a writing system not based on the Latin alphabet (Cyrillic, hieroglyphs, etc.), an indication of the language of publication is added to the description of the source: (In Russian), (In Chinese). In other cases, the language is not indicated;
  • the requirement of transliteration in the Library of Congress system is not applicable to the names of the authors, if the author insists on the transliteration of his last name accepted by him and used in all articles;
  • it is impossible to transliterate the description without translating the title of the article or the title of the book into English.
  • Transliterated links to books: a translation of the title of the book into English is given with an indication at the end of the description of the language of the book (In Russian).

The  references does not include anonymous sources and regulatory documents (decrees, laws, instructions, etc.) that will never be indexed in citation databases. Such sources are described in page footnotes (references to such sources are numbered in Arabic numerals).

It is not recommended to use inaccessible, unpublished, low-circulation, as well as local, popular and educational sources in the lists of literature: dissertation abstracts, newspapers, unpublished reports, textbooks and textbooks.

Standard form


Books by one author

Last name, F. M. (year), Title, City: Publisher.

Books with two or more authors

Last name, F. M. and Last name, F. M. (year), Title, City: Publisher.

Author's books in translation and / or edited

Last name, F. M. (year), Title, per. and / or ed. Last name, F. M., City: Publisher.

Books under the general editorship (without authors)

Last name, F. M. (ed.) (year), Title, City: Publisher.

Books with anonymous or unknown authors

Title (year), City: Publisher.

Chapter from the book

Last name, F. M. (year), Title of chapter, in Last name, F. M. (Ed.), Book Title, City: Publisher, chapter page numbers.


Articles in periodicals

Last name, F. M. (year), Title of article, Title of the journal, volume number, issue number, article page numbers.

Conference proceedings

Last name, F. M. (year), Title of article, The theme of the conference, City, Country, date, page numbers.

Articles from a dictionary or encyclopedia

Last name, F. M. (year), Title of chapter, in Last name, F. M. (Ed.), Title of Dictionary or Encyclopedia, City: Publisher, Page Numbers.


The rules for references to electronic resources are the same as those for printed works, except for the specific Web elements.

Standard form:

Last name, F. M. (year), Title, available at: URL-address (accessed date).



  1. Irwin, T. (1995), Plato`s Ethics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  2. Berdyaev, N. (1990), The Philosophy of Inequality, Moscow: IMA-PRESS Publ. (In Russian)
  3. Neumann, J, and Morgenstern, O. (1970), Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour, trans. by Vorob’ev, N. N., Moscow: Nauka Publ. (In Russian)
  4. Ruiz, R. (1995), Poetics of Cinema, trans. by Brian Holmes, Paris: Editions Dis Voir.
  5. Lektorskii, V. A. (ed.) (1995), Historical types of rationality, vol. 1, Moscow: IF RAN Publ. (In Russian)
  6. Risk and the War on Terror (2008), London and New York: Routlege Publ.
  7. Mitchem, C. (1995), What is the philosophy of technology?, rus. ed., trans. by Gorohov, V. G., Moscow: Aspekt Press Publ. (In Russian)
  8. Unamuno, M. de. (1979), Prologue a la traduction francaise, in Unamuno, M. de. Le sentiment tragique de la vie, Paris: Gallimard, pp. 7–10.
  9. Syrov, V. N. (2013), Philosophical expertise: from metaphor to concept, Filosofskoe obrazovanie:Vestnik Assotsiatsii filosofskikh fakul’tetov i otdelenii, vol. 1 (4), pp. 125–137.
  10. Mal’kova, E. Yu. (2001), Principles of virtual ethics, Religiya i nravstvennost v sekulyarnom mire: materialy nauchnoy konferentsii (Sankt-Peterburg, 28–30 noyabrya 2001 g.), St. Petersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskoe filosofskoe obshchestvo Publ., pp. 112–115.
  11. Luhmann, N. (2013), Risk and danger, Otechestvennye zapiski, vol. 53, no. 2, available at: 06.03.2019). (In Russian)

2.7. Pictures, schemes and tables

Drawings and schemes

Figures and schemes should be presented in separate files, in a format that allows editing. Graphs should be done in Excel, Photoshop graphic editors (it is desirable that the files were in .psd format), Corel Draw (not converted to curves), and formulas should be in MathType formula editors or built-in in MS Word.

Numbering of drawings through the text of the article.

The attached images and photographs must be in electronic form in .tif or .jpeg format. Resolution not less than 300 dpi. You cannot resize the original image — stretch or compress the image.

Captions are required and are given in the language of the article. The text is placed under the picture or diagram, for example: Fig. 1. Title.

The name of the table is written above the table, for example: Table 1. Name. Tables should not be scanned, but created in MS Word or MS Excel. The data source should be indicated below the table, if the table is not author's.

Sources of figures or tables must be indicated, for example: Compiled from: [Ivanov, 2002] or Source: [Ivanov, 2002, p. 5-6].

If the photograph (figure) was taken from an open photobank allowing free download of content, you must indicate: the name of the photobank and site, a link to the resource, the author of the photograph, the year the photograph was created or published (picture).

If photographs (drawings) are borrowed from other sources, it is necessary to provide written permission of the copyright holder to use the figure (for example, an email), and indicate the source of the loan and the copyright holder in the signature to the figure.

Text design illustrations: font Times New Roman, 9 pt.

Tables formatting guidelines

Tables should be labelled and furnished with keys and legends if it is necessary.

Tables should be placed immediately after the paragraph where it is mentioned for the first time.

Long tables might be continued on the next page.

Stub and column headings are usually aligned horizontally, in line with the rows (if necessary, stub and column headings may be aligned vertically).

Text in the tables should be in nine-point times new roman font.

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This website and all content within this site are the property of Saint Petersburg State University and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

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Journal’s authors must sign a License Agreement before publication. Read your chosen journal’s author guidelines for details on the journal’s specific Copyright agreement.

"Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law" provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available contributes to a greater global exchange of knowledge.

 License Agreement (one author)

 License Agreement (several authors)

 License Agreement (several authors, in two languages)

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered on the website of this journal will be used solely for the purposes indicated by this journal and will not be used for any other purposes or provided to other persons and organizations.