On one approach to assessing the conflictological competence of a manager using the method of mathematical modeling


  • Natalia N. Bandejkina St. Petersburg State University
  • Tatyana V. Kryukova St. Petersburg State University




The article deals with the formulation of the problem of assessing conflictological competence by means of mathematical modeling. An analysis of existing definitions of this concept is provided. Conflictological competence as the most important feature of a manager’s professionalism is a complex concept that assumes the presence of theoretical knowledge about the possible ways to work with a conflict, a certain set of skills for their practical application and the necessary personal and professional qualities for effective conflict management in the interests of the organization. Conflictological competence of a leader can be defined as an integral assessment of the degree of achievement of goals at the stages of conflict management: the readiness of the leader to prevent conflict, conflict resolution and overcoming its negative consequences. The content model of the conflict is considered as the basis of modeling. To translate this model into mathematical language, the analitic hierarch process (AHP) by Thomas L. Saaty, which has its own software Super Decisions, is used. As a result of the use of AHP, the relative degree of interaction of elements in the hierarchy, the priorities of alternatives and the optimal solution are determined. In the article on the example of conflict in an organization, AHP is used to assess the conflictological competence of the leader. The proposed analytical toolkit can be effectively utilized by experts, managers and decision makers to assess conflictological competence.


conflictological competence, conflict, conflict management, mathematical modeling, expert method, analitic hierarch process


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How to Cite

Bandejkina , N. N., & Kryukova, T. V. . (2021). On one approach to assessing the conflictological competence of a manager using the method of mathematical modeling. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 37(1), 106–117. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu17.2021.109