Russian Worldview: The Historiosophical Aspect


  • Vladimir M. Kamnev St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Aleksei A. Pirogov Medical Technical College no. 2, 106, Volkovsky pr., St. Petersburg, 192102, Russian Federation



The article explores the basic concepts of the Russian worldview in the historiosophical context and the comparison of this phenomenon with other national types of thinking. The reasons for the crisis fall of European civilization are described. It is noted that one of the main reasons for that tragic phenomenon was the fact that Europe has completely abandoned its Christian roots. The authors insist that historically there was a formation of the personality of a new European, which came because of the destruction of the former heroic type. The article also describes in detail the Russian worldview, its patriotic, collective, irrational and religious nature. It is noted that the Russian is characterized by a metaphysical movement of the spirit, which is especially fully revealed in tragic periods of national history. The authors believe that for the Russian type of worldview is important the process of correlation with metaphysical truth. The authors emphasize that for a modern European, the Russian worldview is mysterious and dangerous, because it correlates with the forgotten Christian truths. In conclusion, the authors suggested that Russia asks Europe existential questions: about the personalization of truth in history, about peace and war, and carries its own unique worldview, which is intuitive, deeply religious and hierarchical.


worldview, history, freedom, political religion, democracy, truth, civilization, epoch, progress


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How to Cite

Kamnev , V. M., & Pirogov , A. A. (2023). Russian Worldview: The Historiosophical Aspect. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 39(4), 620–631.