Social and cultural factors of intergroup tension diminution


  • Georgii P. Artemov St. Petersburg State University
  • Anna G. Pinkevich St. Petersburg State University



The article presents data on the status of dependent and value orientations of people on their attitude towards social groups that differ from the majority of the population. Based on the analysis of the data of the 6th wave (2010–2014) of the World Values Survey, which shows that social levels occupying intermediate positions in the system of social statuses and value orientations are more tolerant than the layers occupying the extreme positions as representatives of social minorities. Intergroup relations are influenced by many factors, and intergroup relations themselves are often controversial. Therefore, in one situation, they can smooth out the prejudices that exist between groups, and in others, on the contrary — incite. The article focuses on identifying groups that have a high degree of tolerance. The study uses various indicators of intergroup tension. The results of a comparative cross-country analysis of an integrated database (1981–2014) of the World Values Survey are presented. It was found that an increase in the proportion of the lower middle class and people with a mixed post-materialistic orientation in the course of secondary modernization helps ensure a low incidence of negative intergroup attitudes. When interpreting the obtained results, the article uses the theory and method of measuring values developed by Ronald Inglehart, as well as the typology of countries proposed by Nikolai Lapin. All calculations were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0, Statistica 6.0, and statistical analysis methods, for example cluster analysis.



status layers, values, value priorities, social conflict, social tension, conflict management, World Value Survey


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How to Cite

Artemov, G. P., & Pinkevich, A. G. (2020). Social and cultural factors of intergroup tension diminution. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 36(3), 528–538.