T.Morton’s hyposubject as a new image of human


  • Anna A. Mednikova Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1, Leninskie gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation




The article examines the articles of T.Morton and highlights the main points that set the tone of his philosophy. Morton does not explicitly stand out his full anthropological position, but on the basis of the central themes of his philosophy, the concept of human is recreated. The sources used were the articles “Ecology without nature” and “Queer-ecology”, as well as the books “Being ecological”, “Ecological thought”, “Hyposubjects about the becoming of human”. This approach has not yet been implemented in the Russian-language philosophical literature in relation to the selected source. In Russian-language articles, as a rule, one can find the development of T.Morton’s ideas, unrelated to anthropological topics, for example, a collection of the Dark Logos dedicated to dark ecology. Despite this, the anthropological analysis is particularly interesting, since environmental topic is associated not only with environmental problems, but also with social processes and questions about human as such. F.Guattari in his book Three Ecologies noted that the ecological imbalance and increased interest in this topic will lead to the change in everyday life, collectivity, and, most importantly, a new type of subjectivity. On the basis of this material, an analysis of the new subjectivity characteristic of human in an environmentally friendly society was carried out. Using the philosophical and anthropological approach, typical of the philosophy of I.Kant, the author also comes to the conclusion not only about the anti-anthropocentricity of T.Morton’s philosophy, but also about the anti-anthropological nature of his project, since Morton, according to the European tradition, recognizes “human’s death” and works in two directions: it anthropomorphizes existence and animalizes a human.


human, T.Morton, nature, ecology, hyposubject, hyperobject, hypersubject, exoperson


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How to Cite

Mednikova, A. A. (2022). T.Morton’s hyposubject as a new image of human. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 38(3), 341–353. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu17.2022.306