Method of eclecticism in the history of Philosophy (french spiritualism)


  • Артем Александрович Кротов Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation



This article analyses the doctrine of the method of research in the history of philosophy suggested by one of the leaders of French spiritualism, Victor Cousin. Cousin’s typology of philosophical systems is examined, his ideas of causality in the history of philosophy. In the article are underlined both the principles of Cousin’s philosophy that preserve their value up to this day and that we treat now as archaic and outdated. Unilateral orientation on psychology has not satisfactorily covered the history of philosophy without erosion. Serious theoretical difficulties are connected with the attempt to see in the history of philosophy both progress and fundamental immutability of its main forms.


French philosophy, spiritualism, method of eclecticism, the philosophy of the history of philosophy, Victor Cousin


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How to Cite

Кротов, А. А. (2017). Method of eclecticism in the history of Philosophy (french spiritualism). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 33(1), 31–39.