History of Russian philosophy at Leningrad-Petersburg university


  • Игорь Дмитриевич Осипов St. Petersburg State University




The article analyzes the features of the establishment of Russian philosophy as an academic discipline at Leningrad-Petersburg University. In this regard, the work deals with the methodological principles and guidelines for courses in the history of Russian philosophy by professors P. F. Nikandrov and A. A. Galaktionov, ideological and philosophical foundations of their study guides, and the novelty of their approach to studying Russian philosophy. It is emphasized that this stage of the study of Russian philosophy at the Leningrad University can be characterized as critical; it made it possible to study in detail the concepts of many previously unknown thinkers to the general reader. The article examines the specificity of teaching Russian philosophy at the Department of the History of Russian Philosophy chaired by professor Alexandr F. Zamaleev. The conceptual frameworks that formed the basis of the new educational research paradigm are revealed. They were based on a comprehensive analysis of Russian philosophy in the context of the development of Russian spiritual culture, which made it possible to identify certain theoretical features in Russian philosophy: anthropologism, moralism, historicism, epistemological realism, etc. Significant attention in the article is given to the analysis of the methodology for the course “Political Thought in Russia” at St. Petersburg University, its structure and basic methodological guidelines are determined. It is argued that teaching Russian political thought was based on taking into account the traditions of statehood and political consciousness that developed in Russian society. The conclusion is made that in the process of the formation of Russian philosophy as a scientific and academic discipline at Leningrad-Petersburg University, objective difficulties arose in rethinking the methodology of historical and philosophical science as well as developing a new paradigm of socio-humanitarian and philosophical knowledge.


Russian philosophy, culture, spirituality, personality, freedom, history


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How to Cite

Осипов, И. Д. (2021). History of Russian philosophy at Leningrad-Petersburg university. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 37(2), 247–255. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu17.2021.205

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