Philosophical Analysis of the Prospects of Higher Education


  • Madina S. Ashilova Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and Foreign Languages, 200, ul. Muratbayeva, Almaty, 050022, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Alibek S. Begalinov International Information Technology University, 4/1, ul. Manasa, Almaty, 050001, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Kalimash K. Begalinova Al Farabi Kazakh National University, 71, pr. Al-Farabi, Almaty, 050001, Republic of Kazakhstan



The role of universities under the influence of the massification of higher education, the development of the educational market and globalization is rapidly changing. In foresight research, the ideas of the future of the university range from the traditional model, in which universities continue to develop a full and critically thinking personality, to the idea of complete oblivion of universities, thrown overboard of history by massive online courses. At present, the main ideas of universities are in sharp conflict with each other. The conflict can lead either to the synthesis of ideas and the development of an updated model, or to the complete degradation of universities and their disappearance from human life. What are the prospects for higher education we take as the main goal of our research. The main methods of this foresight research are a descriptive method of future scenarios for the development of universities, as well as a philosophical analysis of each of the presented ideas of universities. The results provide an overview of the research literature, a description of the main models of universities, and a philosophical analysis of these models. The red line in the works of modern researchers is the idea of whether the modern university can transform, continue to fulfill its high social mission, move away from the market and break with neoliberal ambitions. At the same time, specialists offer their recipes for reforming universities, most of which consist in returning the lost humanistic, fundamental, spiritual foundations to higher education. This study will complement ideas about the future of higher education, the transformation of universities under the influence of globalization, market capitalism, and other factors. Its results will be useful to teachers of higher educational institutions, philosophers of education and everyone who is interested in the problems of higher education.


philosophy of education, neoliberalism, classical university, online courses, transformation of education, crisis of values





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How to Cite

Ashilova, M. S., Begalinov, A. S., & Begalinova, K. K. (2023). Philosophical Analysis of the Prospects of Higher Education. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 39(2), 224–238.