Dialogue with Ancientry: V.Rozanov on the Ancient Egyptian Civilization


  • Lazar Milentijevic University of Novi Sad, 2, ul. Dr Zorana Dzindzica, Novi Sad, 21102, Serbia




In this paper, the author aims to analyze the cultural and historical view of religious, philosophical, and mystical searches of Ancient Egyptian in the works by V.Rozanov. The interest in the Egyptian civilization, as an important feature of the turn of the-century era, shows V.Rozanov’s desire to carry out a dialogue with ancientry, from which all religious and philosophical concepts originate. The purpose of the research is to represent the views of V.Rozanov concerning the themes of immortality and deities in Ancient Egypt, the principles of astrology and cosmogony in the culture of ancientry, as well as the relationship of the Ancient Egyptian and Christian religions. According to V.Rozanov, Ancient Egypt was a land, where the principle of silence hided life force and vitality, which has found expression in the longevity of civilization. V.Rozanov focuses on the idea that the Ancient Egyptians were the most religious people that presented the developed doctrine of immortality, which became the fundamental thought of their religion. Rozanov shows the role of stellar astrology, physical and natural phenomena, and also underlines varieties of the religious cult that existed in Egypt, in which he highlights the images of Osiris and Isis. Rozanov particularly notes that, despite the belief in spells and wizardry, the Ancient Egyptian overcame the fear of the mysterious and unknown at a certain stage of development, and then made efforts to build a connection with It.


V.Rozanov, Egypt, the East, astrology, cosmogony, civilization, myths


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How to Cite

Milentijevic, L. (2023). Dialogue with Ancientry: V.Rozanov on the Ancient Egyptian Civilization. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 39(4), 750–761. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu17.2023.412