Technical Connection: Invariants, Adaptations, Breakthroughs


  • Elena Yu. Pogorelskaia Humanitarian University, 3, ul. Zheleznodorozhnikov, Ekaterinburg, 620041, Russian Federation



The article deals with issues related to the features of technical existence and its influence on civilizational processes, in general. The main element of technical reality is a copy. Copying is an ideal tool for maintaining the existence of the technical world, a model for reproducing technical reality. The peculiarity of a technical ontology is determined by the logic that is built into it. The logic built into the ontology defines the specifics of technical connections. Technical copying can be represented by the logic of a standard closed ring, or the logic of the Möbius strip. The article highlights copies of the first order, embodied in utopian dreams of an ideal technological world. Copies of the second order are associated with the mass replication of goods and services, the emergence of a standardized worldview, the use of algorithms in management decisions. Simulacrum copies are artificially created viruses, the peculiarity of shadow copies is that they destroy their donor. The experiment is also considered as a technical situation, since it meets the requirements of artificiality, control, power influence, reproduction. But the peculiarity of its seriality, its type of copies is the function of turning logic. The experiments mix natural and artificial, living and non-living, as well as all modes of time. In experiments, the links of natural laws and the rings of traditions are broken, the world is moving from the ‘eternal return’ to new objects and new types of relationships. Here self-expansion of being is accomplished through the interaction of researchers, devices, information carriers, resources. The technical truth that appeared in the experiment embodies courage and creativity, thereby revealing its aspiration to the future. In copies of experiments, it is not subsidence that works, but the growth of being.


technical connection, technology ontology, logical basis, copy, simulacra, experiment, new being


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How to Cite

Pogorelskaia, E. Y. (2024). Technical Connection: Invariants, Adaptations, Breakthroughs. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 40(1), 97–110.