
  • Ирина Викторовна Сапарбаева Tambov State Technical University, 106, ul. Sovetskaya, Tambov, 392000, Russian Federation;
  • Грета Леоновна Терехова Tambov State Technical University, 106, ul. Sovetskaya, Tambov, 392000, Russian Federation;


Th e article is devoted to A. F. Losev’s interpretations of the relationship of the One and eidos in the philosophy of Plato. Th e authors emphasize Plato’s two important categories and analyze in detail how A. F. Losev treated them in the process of creative development of his own philosophical position. Losev’s attitude to Plato’s heritage is considered from the perspective of the interaction between the pagan and the Orthodox cultures. Losev’s understanding of dialectics of the One and the other, his interpretation of eidos/idea as separating these opposites singularity are classifi ed by the authors as the original version of the orthodox philosophy. Th ey point out the relevance of studying Losev not only as the historian of ancient philosophy but also as the successor of the intellectual tradition of the Holy fathers. Refs 13.


Losev, Plato, eidos, the One, dialectics of the One and the other, symbol, Orthodox Platonism


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Литература / References

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How to Cite

Сапарбаева, И. В., & Терехова, Г. Л. (2018). THE EIDOS AND THE ONE AS FUNDAMENTAL CATEGORIES IN PLATO: LOSEV’S POSITION. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 30(3), 123–129. Retrieved from