
  • Александр Григорьевич Погоняйло St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Th e topic of this article is the Hegelian concept of “removal” in the light of Heidegger’s ontological Diff er. Th e author asks if Heidegger removed Hegel by his “destruction of metaphysics” and if so, in what special sense? Development of both topic and issue is purely provisional. “Removal” is regarded as the traditional conceptualization of “caring for oneself ” (dialectical paideia). Hegelian historicism is interpreted as a justifi cation for the irreversibility of historical time. History is understood not only as a sequence of events occurring during the time but as a holistic and complete event of the Time itself. Th is gives the author an opportunity to compare the Hegelian “removal” with Heidegger’s “step backward”. Th is concept of “step backward” allows Heidegger to “thinks unthinkable” in the legacy of past thinkers and describes all the traditional metaphysics as “ontologized” logic of defi nition. Refs 5.


History, historicism, removal, experience of yourself, paideia, overcoming, truth, diff erence, essence, ontic, ontological, time, concept, event


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Литература / References

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How to Cite

Погоняйло, А. Г. (2018). EXPERIENCE OF ONESELF, TIME, HISTORY. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 30(4), 77–89. Retrieved from https://philosophyjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/3017