
  • Мария Владимировна Козлова Maxim Gorky Literature Institute, 25, Tverskoy bul., Moscow, 123104, Russian Federation;


Th e article deals with the concept of poetic language in Badiou’s inaesthetics. Badiou defi nes art (poem) as an operation that produces its own truths. Art truths condition philosophy along with the truths of science (matheme), love and politics. Badiou distinguishes poetry as a sensible form of thought. According to Badiou, the essence of poetic language is anti-mimetical and anti-lyrical. Poetry is a material inscription of the disappearance of the sensible. Poetic truth repeats the truth of mathematics (set theory), which is the paradigm for ontology in Badiou’s philosophical project. Th us, Badiou’s inaesthetics is still subject to didactic schema which submits art to philosophical surveillance, since Badiou’s philosophy recognizes only those art truths which correspond to its own ontological foundation. Refs 16.


matheme, poem, poetic language, truth, letter, substraction


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Литература / References

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How to Cite

Козлова, М. В. (2018). INAESTHETICS OF ALAIN BADIOU: POETIC LANGUAGE AS A FORM OF THOUGHT. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 30(4), 157–166. Retrieved from