The scholastic paradigm of education in the context of historical forms of translating the knowledge: formulation of the problem


  • Дмитрий Викторович Шмонин Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy


The article is devoted to clarification of the concept of the Scholastic (Medieval) educational paradigm. It describes the role of scholasticism in perspective of development of the European system of education. The author analyses the formation of the scholasticism as a philosophy of education in connection with the development of the European system of education. The analysis of content, mechanisms, nature and evolution of scholastic paradigm of education seems to be important as it is an expression of the Christian theological outlook and contains basic cultural values. One of such values providing translation of knowledge and preservation of culture is a school. The school practices show the development of scholasticism as a method of rational thinking and rise of professional philosophy. Scholastic approaches to the knowledge forms a stable system of educational methods and research activities.


Education, Antiquity, Middle Age, Modern Age, Scholastic paradigm of education


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How to Cite

Шмонин, Д. В. (2018). The scholastic paradigm of education in the context of historical forms of translating the knowledge: formulation of the problem. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 29(2), 32–37. Retrieved from