Haeckel’s «existential project»: scientifi c and aesthetic knowledge


  • Анна Юрьевна Гусева Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation;


In a situation of active discussion of environmental issues it is relevant to discuss the origins of ecology. Th e importance of this subject for the philosophy can be seen through the formation of environmental ethics and environmental/ecological aesthetics. Research on history of ecological/ environmental aesthetics reveals an existential liaison between scientifi c and aesthetic approaches to understanding of harmony of nature and a deep kinship of existential projects of Goethe, Haeckel, Döblin, which is an attempt to synthesize natural science and humanities-aesthetic views. Th e «Father» of ecology Ernst Haeckel, being a famous biologist, tried to build a monistic philosophy and aesthetics as a conscious continuation of the tradition of Goethe. Haeckel’s positivism — scientifi c knowledge — required existential supplemental knowledge of artistic-aesthetic that expressed in the famous book «Beauty of forms in the nature», which had a signifi cant impact on the aesthetics of modernism. Continuing the tradition of Goethe and Haeckel in the culture of the 20th century Alfred Döblin in his key book, the key book «Mountains Seas and Giants» (Berge Meere und Giganten, 1924; Russian publication 2012), represents the art forecast: ecological and biological dystopia.


existential project, Goethe, Haeckel, Döblin, aesthetics of nature, mystique of nature, aesthetics, history of aesthetics, history of scientific knowledge


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Литература / References

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How to Cite

Гусева, А. Ю. (2018). Haeckel’s «existential project»: scientifi c and aesthetic knowledge. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 29(4), 11–15. Retrieved from https://philosophyjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/3242