Philosophy of technology in the context of classical methodology of science


  • Оксана Фёдоровна Терешкун Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine.


Th e article discusses the classical understanding of the essence of technology in the context of the methodology of modern science. It focuses on formation of a new paradigm of technology, which is based on a combination of indirect and fragmentary facts, that are spontaneously formed and exist in various areas of natural science, protoengineering and philosophy of XIII–XVIII centuries, and is being transformed into an independent object of theoretical study facilitating an origin of a philosophical discipline — the «philosophy of technology». It concludes that modern ideas about technology are the result of a long evolution not only of philosophical views on the technology, but also of general scientifi c views, based on which the methodological principles were elaborated. In addition, it defi nes the methodological bases and approaches that have contributed to a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon of technology in the classical methodology of science.


science, methodology of science, technology, philosophy of technology, paradigm, natural science, scientific view of the world, technogenic civilization, classical type of rationality


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How to Cite

Терешкун, О. Ф. (2018). Philosophy of technology in the context of classical methodology of science. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 29(4), 107–111. Retrieved from