Philosophical-anthropological analysis of the phenomenon of play


  • Елена Евгеньевна Тебякина St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The article attempts to examine the phenomenon of the game from a philosophical-anthropological point of view. The game is presented as a special reality, which is fully capturing and absorbing players whilst simultaneously returning them to themselves, to the source of existence. Due to the ambivalence and acceptance of the conventions of time occurring within the game, capturing the whole person, allows him to enjoy his own existence. In the moment «covered» the game illuminates and the possibility of implementing a «sense of life», which combines the simultaneous feeling of pleasure and pain the game being Life itself. The time of the adoption of conditionality in the context of the game actually allows players to vitally secure their own existence. During the game might one experience this even as irreversible as death. But in making it a conditional component it does not cause direct harm to the biological existence of the players. The game remains the most paradoxical existential phenomena, since, on the one hand, it requires a rigid and strict observance of rules by all players without exception, and the mandatory adoption of time of conditional events. And on the other, encourages players in the creative act of self-expression to change the rules, guided by the logic of the game, and create the reality fields of the game, which would have a greater emotional and mental stress than the actual real life. The game gives human life meaning and value, and the modern world provides ways to implement it in the purest form, one of which is, for example, such a new phenomenon of social practice as a historical reconstruction. It allows for not only the reproduction of certain historical conditions, but also allows them to be directed in existence. Refs 7.


the phenomenon of play, anthropology, rules, reconstruction, pleasure


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How to Cite

Тебякина, Е. Е. (2017). Philosophical-anthropological analysis of the phenomenon of play. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 33(3), 336–342.