Communication practices of evangelical christians-baptists in the 1950–1980 period (Tambov region)


  • Екатерина Игоревна Миронова State Academic University for Humanities, 26, Maronovskiy pereulok, Moscow, 119049, Russian Federation
  • Владимир Александрович Попов Moscow Institute of Sacred Music, 12a, 1, Warsaw highway, Moscow, 117105, Russian Federation



Fellowship of believers is one of the most important elements of spiritual life among the Baptists. Communication practices within this religious movement have attained certain characteristics, a certain form, specific traditions, ethical norms and values. The development of these special communication practices, which are a factor of formation and development of any social group, helped this religious movement to survive times of religious oppression and discrimination of believers in the Soviet community. The government realized that religious organizations had a potential to become an influential force, and tried to destroy that special community by any means. Specifically the Soviet legislation on cults called for tight control and limitation of relations within any community of believers and between communities, in order to suppress the proactive attitude of “cult members”. However, despite the statutory bar, many communities of believers practiced exchange of sermons, choirs, and worship groups. Believers strived to meet regularly outside of church events. Social interaction was very common within religious environment, but it was filled with the content that reflected the principles of their faith. Believers of different religious denominations were very interested in building mutual relationships, in order to stand against the aggressive atheism. That provided fertile ground for penetration of spiritual practices from other Christian denominations, for example from Pentecostalism to Baptism. Consequently, the pressure from the outside encouraged believers to look for other ways of collective communication and interaction, that were aimed at strengthening and developing communities, despite the negative consequences of the government’s interference with the life of religious groups. Refs 17.


evangelicalism, communication, religious politics, religious practices, religion, atheism


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How to Cite

Миронова, Е. И., & Попов, В. А. (2017). Communication practices of evangelical christians-baptists in the 1950–1980 period (Tambov region). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 33(3), 364–373.