А dialogical paradigm of power: From marginal theory to political reality


  • Khachik S. Galstyan Yerevan State University, 1, ul. A. Manukiana, Yerevan, 0025, Republic of Armenia




The article is dedicated to an analysis of various concepts of the origin, interpretation and strategies for power implementation. The main goal of the research is to identify the paradigm shifts in political theory and justify the relevance of the dialogical paradigm of power. In particular, the author discusses the sectional and non-sectional concepts of power, considers the main power implementation strategies under the prism of a dialogical paradigm. The study shows that there are a number of theories in the systemic, behavioral and relational concepts of power, which can serve as the theoretical basis for the dialogical paradigm of power. The author points to the limitedness of conflict theories of power and substantiates that under modern conditions, as a paradigm shifts, the whole philosophy of power is changing. In particular, the author considers the concept of “soft power” in the context of the dialogical paradigm of power implementation because, as a rule, a “soft power” strategy involves only peaceful means to achieve its goals. In addition, the concept of “soft power” implies a consensus between the subject and the object of power, which can be achieved through dialogical technologies of political communication. The author concludes that in connection with the formation and development of the information and communication society, the use of “hard” power strategies is significantly reduced. Additionally, the new trends of decentralization of power and a wide use of network management technologies, in turn, open up new perspectives for the implementation and application of dialogical strategies of power realization.


dialogical paradigm of power, soft power strategy, hard power, dialogic communication technologies, paradigm shifts


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How to Cite

Galstyan, K. S. (2019). А dialogical paradigm of power: From marginal theory to political reality . Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 35(4), 626–633. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu17.2019.408