Krise of quality education in the digital economy


  • Sergei I. Dudnik St. Petersburg State University
  • Вoris V. Маrkov St. Petersburg State University



Today in the market of educational services, the winner is the one who wins in the fight for ratings.The question of cost and performance must be discussed in a broader context, namely to take into account that education is an essential part of social capital, which ensures success in international competition. Therefore, the savings on education in the long run leads to delays and loss of influence. Management, based on the digital divide is not a panacea. The article sets the task of analyzing the transformation of education in the digital age: 1) The identification of the causes of the crisis in the education system; secondly, the analysis of online courses as tools of modern educational spaces; 2) The impact of electronic educational technologies on the actors of the educational process; fourthly, the updating of teaching practices of meaning, based on understanding the individual learner and teacher; 3) For the development of the reflective experience of new educational programs they must be supplemented with hermeneutic and semiotic teaching techniques that contribute to understanding the meaning and provide live interpersonal communication; 4) Enhancement of the productivity of education through the introduction of digital technologies is accompanied by the strengthening of electronic control and management; 5) It is necessary to create a pedagogical atmosphere in which freedom, responsibility, trust, and friendship is cultivated.


word and image, media education, online courses, liberal education, posthumanism


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How to Cite

Dudnik, S. I., & Маrkov В. V. (2020). Krise of quality education in the digital economy. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 36(2), 214–226.