The role of management consciousness in the social and information environment in the situation global instability


  • Karine S. Arutiunian Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F.Utkin, 59/1, ul. Gagarina, Ryazan, 390005, Russian Federation



This article provides the socio-philosophical analysis of the managerial consciousness as a tool in overcoming crisis trends in the social and information environment (at the example of two spheres). In the contemporary world, there is a contradiction between consciousness and matter, spirit and body. These contradictions exacerbate the problems of interaction between the society and the environment. The main environmental difficulties are due to the nature of the modern material production, the lifestyle and the value orientation of the individual. Also, information resources are actively being introduced into the life of a contemporary person. In addition, the emergence of the information space contributes to the formation of a global information environment, the formation of an “information society,” the basis of which becomes the generation, processing, transmission, and updating information. The humanity has come to the point where modern civilization, called global, technogenic and consumer, has discovered its crisis, instability caused by the growth of environmental problems, information risks. The purpose of the article is use the methodology of socio-philosophical analysis for identifying problems and demonstrating the role of managerial consciousness in the socionatural and information environment. The research significance of the work is aimed at introducing the scientific categories of “ecological and managerial consciousness” and “consciousness management in the information space” into social philosophy. The practical component is the definition of the role of managerial consciousness in social spheres (environmental and information) in order to form value orientations and relationships that will allow harmoniously developing the system of society-person relations. This research is the development of the theoretical and methodological foundations of social philosophy, ecology, management for further introduction into the practice of social management.


management consciousness, environmental management, information management, globalization, environmental management consciousness, information security, information consciousness, information space, environmental crisis


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How to Cite

Arutiunian, K. S. (2022). The role of management consciousness in the social and information environment in the situation global instability. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 38(4), 572–580.