Classical Eurasians on the civilizational identity of Russia


  • Peter Ya. Tsitkilov Southern Federal University



Philosophical and world outlook understanding of the problem of civilizational identity of Russia acquires special relevance in connection with the preservation of the Eurasian civilizational breakdown that arose at the end of the 20th century. To prepare a new civilization project, it is important to use the theoretical legacy of prominent Russian thinkers, including the classics of Eurasianism. The purpose of the article is an objective analysis of classical Eurasianism, the comprehension of its most important provisions, taking into account the modern realities of Russian society. Using historical and philosophical methodology, critical analysis, methodology of civilizational theories, the author of the article substantiates the conclusion about the scientific significance of the Eurasian concept of civilizational identity of Russia. Its components are examined in a systematic form, such as the perception of Russia-Eurasia as a whole civilizational continent of an equal Europe, the idea of a “symphonic personality” in Eurasian culture, the idea of pan-European nationalism, the idea of establishing social justice, the provision on strengthening the religious element to strengthen the spiritual principle, etc. The article provides a critical analysis of some judgments of historical Eurasians, including their idea of absolutizing the role of the state, the theory of “potential Orthodoxy”, etc. An important conclusion of the article is the provision that Eurasianism is not a teaching hostile to the West, but a different non-Western scientific perception of the historical fate and civilizational development of Russia. Concrete examples substantiate the claim that it is necessary to distinguish fair criticism of classical Eurasianism from its simplified and largely biased assessments. The author of the article concludes that understanding the heritage of the classics of Eurasianism is necessary to develop a social project for the cultural and civilizational revival of the Russian Federation and the entire area of Northeast Eurasia.


historical Russia, Northeast Eurasia, classical Eurasians, civilizational identity, Eurasian concept


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How to Cite

Tsitkilov, P. Y. (2021). Classical Eurasians on the civilizational identity of Russia. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 37(2), 256–267.