Problem of human rights violations during the migrant crisis in Europe


  • Anna S. Matveevskaya St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Sergei N. Pogodin Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, 29, Politechnicheskaya ul., St. Petersburg, 195251, Russian Federation
  • Juntao Wang Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, 29, Politechnicheskaya ul., St. Petersburg, 195251, Russian Federation



The aim of this study was to identify how Europe’s migrant crisis affected human rights in the European Union. It focuses on the observance of fundamental human rights in the context of migration. Violations directly related to migrants and refugees are considered. Human rights law is the most universal and general branch of law on which all other laws rely. The issue of observance of these rights becomes even more critical in regard to forced migration. While these rights are guaranteed to ‘all members of the human family’, there are conditions under which universally recognized human rights should be protected and justified with particular care. Obviously, inalienable human rights may easily be compromised when it comes to prisoners or refugees. Ensuring human rights in the European Union is based on a variety of international treaties, EU regulations and internal legislation of the member countries which have adopted high standards in the field of human rights protection. With regard to the right to asylum as an essential component of the human rights law, it can be stated that an unprecedented level of integration has enabled the EU to establish a pan-European asylum system based on the standards enshrined in the 1951 Geneva Convention and the 1967 Additional Protocol, as well as to gain considerable experience in dealing with migrants and refugees and ensuring their inalienable rights. In general, legislation in this area is constantly being improved and it reflects modern challenges and threats. The member countries of the European Union are on the way to developing a unified approach to migration policy and international protection issues. However, the asylum system is imperfect and has numerous gaps, which have been repeatedly mentioned by experts and members of the academic community even before the migrant crisis began.


human rights, migrant crisis, EU regulations, migrants, refugees


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How to Cite

Matveevskaya, A. S. ., Pogodin, S. N. ., & Wang, J. (2021). Problem of human rights violations during the migrant crisis in Europe. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 37(3), 508–515.