Some Problems in Data Ethics and Social Media Ethics


  • Viktor V. Shlyapnikov St. Petersburg University of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia, 149, Moskovskiy pr., St. Petersburg, 196105, Russian Federation



Digitization or the introduction of modern digital technologies in various spheres of life and production underlies numerous changes in modern society. Digital technologies have enormous social and economic potential. However, trust in digital technologies cannot be taken for granted. Broad public acceptance of new technologies and business models can only be achieved if governments and organizations design their digital transformation with ethical values in mind. Therefore, today it seems important to analyze the ethical principles and norms used for the development and implementation of digital technologies. The use of large amounts of data, often personal or confidential, the growing reliance on algorithms to analyze it to inform choice and decision making, the phasing out of human involvement or even control over many automated processes raises pressing questions of fairness, responsibility and respect for human rights. On the one hand, ignoring ethical issues can cause negative social consequences; on the other hand, an overemphasis on the protection of individual or collective rights can lead to the establishment of rigid rules and regulations that prevent the use of the social value of digital innovations. The article focuses on some modern aspects of digital ethics, namely data and data management, social media. The important role of confidentiality in human relations is emphasized, which is considered not only as an individual, but also as a public good. Attention is focused on the fact that confidentiality is closely related to other fundamental values, such as autonomy and equality. It is concluded that in order for social media to remain an open and empowering space for all people, it is necessary to maintain a balance between freedom of speech and access to reliable information, as well as raising people’s awareness of the ethical implications of the development of information and communication technologies.


digital ethics, data ethics, social media ethics


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* Meta признана экстремистской организацией в РФ.


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* Meta is recognized in Russian Federation as an extremist organization.



How to Cite

Shlyapnikov, V. V. . (2023). Some Problems in Data Ethics and Social Media Ethics. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 39(3), 504–513.