Towards the concept of freedom: The historiosophical aspect


  • Vladimir M. Kamnev St Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Aleksei A. Pirogov Medical Technical College no. 2, 106, Volkovsky pr., St Petersburg, 192102, Russian Federation



The article explores the historiosophical aspect of the problem of progress in the consciousness of freedom. Hegel’s understanding of the perfect state is described. It is noted that, the philosophy of state and law is a system of morality, where the victory of the general over the particular is obligatory. The essence of the entire system is optimistic, no matter what disturbing contradictions they try to destroy this system. In this monarchy of the spirit, in an ideal state, as a system of freedom, the contradictions of civil society are overcome. The article also describes the experience of Marxism, in which the opposition of the genus and the individual is overcome by the purely mechanical destruction of one of the opposing sides, by the qualitative transformation of society, that is, a total social revolution, the victory over capital and the emergence of a new socialized humanity. The authors emphasize that the philosophy of politics stems not only from Hegelian philosophy, but also from theological thought. The authors conclude that history is the territory of an apocapyptic collision, as well as the eternal process of the fallen world. According to the authors, for a contemporary Russian person, the correlation with the Truth becomes not only a matter of freedom, but a choice between life and death, and, therefore, the territory of war, which takes place primarily in the heart. He perceives his involvement in the Truth not as following a civil religion, but as a mystical communion with Christ as a constant source of Truth and freedom.


progress, history, freedom, political religion, democracy, truth


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How to Cite

Kamnev , V. M., & Pirogov, A. A. (2022). Towards the concept of freedom: The historiosophical aspect. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 38(4), 465–472.