
  • Вера Михайловна Лобеева Bryansk State Technical University, 7, Bulvar 50-letiya Oktyabrya, Bryansk, 241035, Russian Federation



The paper singles out and analyses the propositions of Chicherin’s philosophy of history which show the scholar’s understanding of the phenomenon of revolution and the socialist doctrine. Formulated and substantiated is the idea that revolution is interpreted philosophically as a negative means of the objectification of historical development, which violates the natural course of history, casting a society back, condemning it to a painful torment and irreplaceable sacrifice. This work expands understand-ing of revolution as the extremely dangerous manifestations of social radicals. It analyzes the criticism Checherin’s basic theoretical propositions of socialist doctrine for which the idea of revolution was one of the main ideas. It shows, as the philosopher noted, the deformation by socialist theoreticians of the liberal-humanist principle of freedom of the individual and society, the distortion of the idea of inde-pendence of civil society from the state, the failure of the economic theory of socialism. The paper also emphasizes the version of the peculiarities of forming revolutionary forces and the major manifesta-tion of social radicalism in Russia in the second half of the 19th century. These features are emphasized as being connected with motivating the necessity of social-political reforms to achieve social stability. The author gives proof of the point that Chicherin’s ideas have universal constructive meaning to the extent that they accentuate criticism of revolution and socialism and the necessity of preventing revolutionary and radical sentiment and activity as an important condition for maintaining the integrity of the social system. This thinker’s theoretical constructs are of undoubted benefit to the modern domestic philosophy of science, social and political practice. The article highlights aspects Chicherin’s theory which determined his personal experience and ideological positions. Refs 13.


history, revolution, socialist doctrine, social radicalism, terrorism, social stability


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How to Cite

Лобеева, В. М. (2018). PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY BY B. N. CHICHERIN: THE INTERPRETATION OF THE PHENOMENON OF REVOLUTION AND THE SOCIALIST DOCTRINE. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 33(2), 254–262.