
  • Игорь Иванович Кальной Crimean Federal V. I. Vernadsky University, 4, pr. Akademika Vernadskogo, Simferopol, 295007, Russian Federation;
  • Борис Васильевич Марков St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



Society as artifi cial formation of big and small groups of people, which diff er by sex and age, social and professional status and also predilections and wishes provides individual self-preservation thanks to social coordinate system, which is set by legal, moral and civilization codes of behavior. Intelligentsia unites values of diff erent social groups, is a subject of human outlook and provides optimal options of upbringing, enlightenment and education. On the basis of cultural memory it preserves the succession of generations and gives a decent response to the challenges of the time. One should not forget that intelligentsia has ideologically justifi ed revolutions and provoked violence. Speaking about the necessity of the intelligentsia return to the history arena, it’s worth thinking how to avoid negative consequences of its appeals to truth and justice. Intelligentsia is an Association of free and independent people using moral refl ection to evaluate the situation. Intellectuals are the prism through which society can watch itself. Intellectuals observe and evaluate events guided by the voice of conscience and sense of duty. Popular culture is transformed into a form of lifestylea manipultion on the basis of commodity-money relations. Th is leads to increased confl icts. On the contrary, intelligentsia has an important teaching and educational work, which can be called promotion of society. If you previously took into account the economic situation of the population, today the behavior of the masses in the political arena is determined by the State and patriotic values. Schools and universities discussed in cultural-anthropological dimension must form not only knowledge, but the moral values of youth. Refs 11.


man, intelligentsia, intellectual, violence, tolerance.


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How to Cite

Кальной, И. И., & Марков, Б. В. (2018). INTELLIGENTSIA IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 32(2), 88–99.