
  • Николай Иванович Безлепкин North-West Open Technical University, 9a, Yakornaya ul., St. Petersburg, 195027, Russian Federation;


Th e article considers the development of views on the language in Russian religious metaphysics of the second half of the 19th century. Th e language ontologisation was typical for the representatives of the religious philosophy of N. P. Gilyarov-Platonov (1824–1887), V. D. Kudryavtsev-Platonov (1828–1891), V. S. Solovyyov(1853–1900), where a word is a natural product of our mind, a material basis of the deployment of person’s cogiativity, a way of expression of its results. Language acts as the ontological basis of logical thinking, it gives mind a form of generality, exempts knowledge from psychologism. A relation of thought to a word is compared to the relation of soul to a body. Th e Russian philosophers note that the word and concept are integrally connected, but at the same time they are signifi cantly various, it’s a delusion to mix concepts with words. Th e interest to a language ontology enriched the Russian religious philosophy with the new metaphysical problems and subjects, it was an expression of God-seeking tendencies which existed in public consciousness of Russian society. Refs 10.


language philosophy, ontology, Russian religious metaphysics, historical etymology, language consciousness, rationalism, positivism, monism, objective reality, discourse, traditionalism, mysticism, knowledge of God, an empirical knowledge, rational knowledge, ideal knowledge, Godseeking


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Литература / References

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How to Cite

Безлепкин, Н. И. (2018). LANGUAGE ONTOLOGY IN RUSSIAN RELIGIOUS METAPHYSICS. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 30(3), 43–54. Retrieved from