
  • Елена Владимировна Титарь V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svobody Sq., Kharkоv, 61022, Ukraine;


Th e article investigates the category of subjectivity and identity in contemporary philosophy and cultural theory, the problems of subjectivity, identity and authorship in art. It analyzes the subjectivity of representation in art in three philosophical paradigms — Enlightenment, postmodern and Christian, and especially the image of the author in these paradigms. In the fi rst paradigm subjectivity is natural for a person and defi nes it as a species-being, at the same time it can and should be expressed in art through representation, separate representations are part of the perceptual experience of the person, but it can not be completely defi ned by representations. Postmodernists criticize and complement the modern paradigm of subjectivity. Subjectivity is temporal and situational, it is inherent in human nature, but disclosed only within human nature, subjectivity not only has its own limitations, but through the dissimilarity and unlikeness claims essential moments of transcendence, representation is a certain way of actualization of subjectivity. Th e third paradigm is associated with baroque and Christian culture. Baroque exacerbates author of subjectivity, but continues to Christian paradigm of creativity as a divine inheritance of еidos, representation as mediation between the celestial world and the human world. Refs 11.


subjectivity, representation, image, identity, author, subject, perception


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Литература / References

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How to Cite

Титарь, Е. В. (2018). SUBJECTIVITY OF REPRESENTATION IN ART AND THE PROBLEM IDENTITY OF AUTHOR. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 30(4), 136–143. Retrieved from