
  • Елена Константиновна Краснухина St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Psychoanalyst of the close tie between father and son is considered in the article as a form of genetic relationship. Th e problem of Genesis is revealed as the idea of absence of the beginning of history, as the pure past, as the impossibility of zero degree in history. Brotherhood is regarded as a community of inherited blood, as well as a community of the criminally shed blood. Th e main concern of the article is the distinction made by Kant between the oppressive political regimes, organized by analogy with the power of the father in the Patriarchal family, and the civilized ones, built on the principles of brotherhood and equality. Familialism is considered to be a principle constituting religion, politics and social normativity.


Genesis, law, ban, desire, despotism, right, wine, brotherhood, paternalism


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Литература / References

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How to Cite

Краснухина, Е. К. (2018). PATERNAL AND PATRIOTIC. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 30(1), 21–26. Retrieved from