
  • К. Баталден Стивен Melikian Center, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA;


Th is article is author’s review of the book «Russian Bible Wars: Modern Scriptural Translation and Cultural Authority» which was recently published (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013). Th e study (monograph) is dedicated to the history of Bible translation into Russian language which was made in 19th century. Th e main idea of the article is that scriptures such as Jewish and Christian Bible or Koran are both political and historical documents. According to this hypothesis the author reveals the history of Russian translating process of Bible within political and historical contexts and points out the complicated mechanism of interaction between proponents of Biblical translation into modern languages and traditional hierarchic power structures like Holy Governing Synod, prominent cultural fi gures of Petersburg and (even) crown.


history of religion, translations of the Bible, church-state relations


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Литература / References

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How to Cite

Стивен, К. Б. (2018). RUSSIAN BIBLE WARS: MODERN SCRIPTURAL TRANSLATION AND CULTURAL AUTHORITY. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 30(1), 84–92. Retrieved from