The soul polemic in the Chinese religious tradition


  • Leonid E.  Yangutov Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences 6, ul. M. Sakh”ianovoi, Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russian Federation



The article is devoted to the evolution of the polemic of the soul between Buddhist supporters and its opponents, which were reflected in Chinese writing compositions written in the period of its distribution and expansion in China. The aim of this article is the opening of the essence of this polemic and its meaningfulness in the history of Buddhist expansion in China. In this connection, there are several tasks put forward : firstly, to analyze the religious situation that unfolded in China before Buddhist expansion; secondly, to consider the ideas about the soul, ascending to its ancient history; thirdly, to show the reasons for the evolution of the polemic concerning the soul; then, to show the polemic reflection in the compositions from the first collection of written monuments of “Hunminji,” which was composed prior to the formation of Buddhist schools in China. Scientific methods such as textual critical analysis and comparative, culture logical and historical approaches are used. As a result of this article, we have obtained the the reflection of Buddhist adaptation to the Chinese religious base and its transformation in this country, rich with its own spiritual and cultural traditions. The fundamental meaningfulness and content aspects are exposed between the Buddhist opponents and its supporters, mainly, between the Confucians coming from the bureaucratic circles and well-educated Buddhists. The gradual transition of the Buddhist soteriology to the canonical course is shown in the article. In conclusion, the results of the scientific research are summarized. The polemic of the soul concluded with the appearance of the works presented by Buddhist schools formed in China. Meanwhile, the idea of the soul as the ontological basis for rebirth continues to be popular in the doctrine of Buddhism.


Buddhism, Confucianism, rebirth, soul, body, salvation


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How to Cite

Yangutov, L. E. (2019). The soul polemic in the Chinese religious tradition. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 35(4), 674–685.