Human in the ideology of globalism


  • Mukhtar A. Tolegen Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University, 34, ul. 30-i Gvardeiskoi divizii, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 070002, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Yelena G. Ryakova Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University, 34, ul. 30-i Gvardeiskoi divizii, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 070002, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Yelena V. Savchuk Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University, 34, ul. 30-i Gvardeiskoi divizii, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 070002, Republic of Kazakhstan



In this article the authors reveals the peculiarities of human understanding and vision for the future of mankind in the ideology of globalism took shape and gained considerable influence on the minds of the people in the second half of the 20th century — early 21st century. Platforms and specialized institutes are organized to develop ideas and mechanisms for their implementation by transnational business elites and representatives of other social groups adjacent to them. Their worldview, formed in the context of a society of alienation, inevitably becomes part of the ideology. Turning to the analysis of the ideology of globalism from the point of view of the relationship to human and the humanity seems promising for an adequate understanding of the essence of globalism and its role in the formation of modern public consciousness, as well as the contours of the future society. Considering globalism as a sociocultural phenomenon, the authors identify the foundations for the formation of the globalist worldview and its ideological sources that lie in the liberal intellectual tradition. The key intellectual moves in the rhetoric of globalists are an appeal to economism, humanism, and the need to correct the world order in the spirit of liberal values. The authors of the article identify key milestones in the formation of the globalist worldview associated with socio-cultural transformations and changes in the configuration of the world socio-political structure, which are reflected in ideological constructions and scientific research. In the course of understanding texts and programs written in the spirit of globalism, the analysis of ideologies and terms, the system of arguments familiar to globalists, is carried out through the prism of understanding the role and place assigned by them to a human.


human, ideology, globalism, globalization, public consciousness, postliberalism, economism, world order, humanism


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How to Cite

Tolegen, M. A., Ryakova, Y. G., & Savchuk, Y. V. (2022). Human in the ideology of globalism. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 38(3), 423–435.