Risk, risk-reflection and the problem of the socio-political order


  • Daur A. Abgadzhava St. Petersburg State University




The article discusses the issues of risk and risk-reflection in modern societies. It also illustrates the role of the relationship of knowledge and power in the formation of ideas about risks and the importance of risk reflection in maintaining order. A modern society is viewed as a world formed on the basis of reflections and decisions. Risk reflections in risk management, understanding a situation and determining costs and benefits, are based on comprehensive knowledge provided by experts, professionals, authorities and, finally, the authorities. The configuration for exercising power is regulated by the configuration of knowledge or discourse, which controls the direction of information and the language that support and disseminate ideas that orient actors’ actions. Discourse determines awareness and an understanding of the risks that actors may face. The article notes that the problems are based on monopolization of the right to determine what is considered a risk as well as what is its scope and possibilities of implementation. In this regard, the discurse on risk for beneficiaries is the basis for public administration, as knowledge of risks and their negative consequences becomes a motive for responsible behavior, in which individuals otherwise interpret, control, and direct their behavior. The article concludes that by considering risks in a controlled order, the authorities legitimize them. Risks are viewed as a representation of reality and this allows for the ability to manage the risk’s impact. The regulatory function of power manifests itself indirectly, forming and transmitting knowledge and ideas. The purpose of power is a modification of behavior when an individual, acting independently, contributes to the achievement of the goals facing the power.


risk, risk-reflection, socio-political order, governmentality, knowledge, discourse, manipulation


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How to Cite

Abgadzhava, D. A. (2020). Risk, risk-reflection and the problem of the socio-political order. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 36(3), 511–527. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu17.2020.308