Approaches to the Study of Identity in Contemporary Philosophy




The concept of ‘identity’ increasingly appears in the space of public discussions of modernity: it is referred to by social activists, it is studied by academics, and its violations worry legal scholars and human rights advocates. Indirectly, the very fact of such active reference suggests that contemporary society is experiencing an identity crisis. This fact is stated by representatives of many disciplines (sociology, cultural studies, psychology, etc.), however, it is still understudied. Philosophy is not an exception in this case. Modern philosophers speak about identity (political, cultural, social, civic, etc.), but rarely attempt a full-fledged philosophical analysis of this phenomenon. In this connection, it is not surprising that there is no classification of philosophical theories of identity or analysis of their methodological foundations in the academic literature. Thus, the paper aims to provide an overview of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of identity in contemporary philosophy. As a result of applying methods of contextual analysis, comparative analysis, and rational historical and philosophical reconstruction to contemporary philosophical material on identity we have managed to identify four main approaches: Freudomarxism (S.Žižek), Poststructuralism (J.Butler), Multiculturalism (C.Taylor), and Philosophical Hermeneutics (P.Ricoeur). Their substantive specificity stems from the peculiarities of their theoretical foundations and the theoretical and pragmatic aims of their representatives and, as a consequence, entails some drawbacks, which should be taken into account in the future development of identity theory in philosophy.


identity, identity theory, philosophical hermeneutics, poststructuralism, multiculturalism, freudomarxism, S. Žižek, J. Butler, C. Taylor, P. Ricoeur


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How to Cite

Goncharova, X. O. (2024). Approaches to the Study of Identity in Contemporary Philosophy. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 40(2), 211–220.