The Practices of Historicism in Metamodern Condition


  • Alexander A. Lvov St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The paper answers the question, if metamodern, which replaced the postmodern discourse, is conceptually viable. The discussion is focused on a particular case of rethinking the Historicist views that are increasingly arising in connection with the task of creative justification of the theory of history. This problem is supposed to be solved, first, by showing that metamodern practices actualize a special type of subject that can be demanded in the context of creative attitude to history, and second, by analyzing what the strategies of constructing a newly emerging historicist narrative will be after the critique of the projects of ‘big stories’ put forward by postmodernity. By doing so, we aim to analyze the epistemological and aesthetic aspects of historicism in the metamodern condition. The return to the principles of Historicism on the grounds constructed by contemporary authors (B. Latour, G. Harman, D. Haraway, etc.) appears to be debatable, so the article pays special attention to the criticism of the conceptual issues and aspects associated with them. As a result of the study, we come to the following conclusions: metamodern requires the revival of a special subject, and the revival itself is by default connected with the aesthetic rethinking of the subject formed by the modern era and neutralized by postmodern relativism. Further, the metamodern subject can be described as ‘flickering’ in the sense that it is not a ready-made construct, but is in constant formation, passing through such ‘nodal points’ in which its conditioning by the totality of circumstances of the present is manifested. Finally, the aesthetic instruments that contribute to the formation of the metamodern subject also make it possible to form post-historical narratives, in which the principle of eventuality restores the unity of time and space of interaction between different actors.


historicism, metamodern, Postmodernism, Modernism, aestheticization of history, post-history


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How to Cite

Lvov , A. A. (2024). The Practices of Historicism in Metamodern Condition. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 40(2), 258–268.