
  • Peter Steiner University of Pennsylvania, 2940 Cambridge St., Philadelphia, PA 19130, USA



The first version of this paper was presented at the Stanford Humanities Centre conference “Rus-sian Formalism & Digital Humanities” on April 13, 2015. It addressed Franco Moretti’s provocative application of the Darwinian evolutionary model based on the divergence of biological species and their survival through the mechanism of natural selection to literary history. This approach was juxta-posed against the ideas of two leading Russian Formalists, Iurii Tynianov and Roman Jakobson, whose explanation of linguistic/literary change was programmatically anti-Darwinian making conversion (conceived, though, in a very specific way) the cornerstone of their respective historiographies. In doing so, they were reacting to the project of historical poetics advanced by the 19th century Russian Positivist philologist, Aleksandr Veselovskii (1838–1906), whose stated goal was to trace the morpho-logical divergences of texts across time and space. The dichotomy “conversion-diversion,” my paper illustrated, is not limited to criticism alone. The same frame of reference was invoked in the late 1950’s in a famous dispute between the behavioral psychologist B. F. Skinner and the father of the generative-transformational grammar, Noam Chomsky, about language acquisition and subsequently in their heated polemics about the human subject’s autonomy triggered by the publication of Skinner’s book Beyond Freedom and Dignity (1971). Refs 15.


literary history, Darwinism, causality, teleology, digital humanities, Formalism, Chomsky, Jakobson, Moretti, Skinner, Veselovskii, Tynianov


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Литература / References

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Moretti F. On Literary Evolution. Signs Taken for Wonders: Essays in the Sociology of Literary Forms. Transl. by Susan Fischer David Forgacs and David Miller. London Verso Publ.1988 pp. 262–278.

Moretti F. Tree. Graphs Maps Trees: Abstract Models for Literary History. London Verso Publ.2005 pp. 67–94.

Roman Jakobson “Remarques sur l’évolution phonologique du russe comparée à celle des autres langues slaves”. Selected Writings 1: Phonological Studies. The Hague Mouton Publ.1962 pp. 7–116.

Moretti F. Distant Reading. London Verso Publ. 2013. 244 p.

Veselovskii A. N. O metode i zadachakh istorii literatury kak nauki [Abouth method and task of history of literature as a science]. Istoricheskaia poetika. Leningrad Khudozhestvennaia literatura Publ.1940 pp. 41–52. (In Russian)

Saussure F. de Course in General Linguistics. Transl. by Wade Baskin. New York Philosophical Library Publ. 1959. 240 p.

Jakobson R. and Tynianov J. Problems in the Study of Literature and Language. Transl. by Herbert Eagle. Readings in Russian Poetics: Formalist and Structuralist Views. Eds Ladislav Matejka Krystyna -Pomorska. Cambridge MA MIT Press Publ.1971 pp. 79–81.

Tynianov Iu. Tynianov Iu. Stikhovye formy Nekrasova. Arkhaisty i novatory Leningrad Priboi Publ.1929 pp. 399–411. (In Russian)

Jakobson R. O cheshskom stikhe — preimushchestvenno v sopostavlenii s russkim. Berlin Moscow OPOJAZ — MLK Publ. 1923. 120 p. (In Russian) Вестник СПбГУ. Философия и конфликтология. 2017. Т. 33. Вып. 2 223

Tynianov Iu. Oda kak oratorskii zhanr. Arkhaisty i novatory Leningrad Priboi Publ.1929 pp. 48–86. (In Russian)

Skinner B. F. Verbal Behavior. New York Appleton-Century-Crofts Publ. 1957. 478 p.

Chomsky N. Review of Skinner’s. Verbal Behavior. Language1959 vol. 35 no. 1 pp. 26–58.

Skinner B. F. Beyond Freedom and Dignity. New York Knopf Publ. 1971. 225 p.

Chomsky N. The Case Against B. F. Skinner. New York Review of Books. December 30 1971. AvialAvialable at: (accessed 24.01.2017).



How to Cite

Steiner, P. (2018). DIGITAL HUMANITIES AND RUSSIAN FORMALISM: DARWINISM AND ANTI-DARWINISM IN LITERARY HISTORY. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 33(2), 217–223.