Philosophy at the St. Petersburg University. History and Traditions
The article considers the peculiarities of the formation of philosophical education at the St. Petersburg University. During the period of the Academic University, Professors H. F. Gross and Strue de Pyrmont delivered the course of Natural Law. In the second half of the nineteenth century, philosophical education at the university was represented by a chair at the Faculty of History and Philology. A. I. Vvedensky, L. P. Karsavin, I. I. Lapshin worked at it in different years until 1917. The article emphasizes the scientific and pedagogical work of A. I. Vvedensky and his important role in the creation of the St. Petersburg Philosophical Society. The peculiarities of philosophical education after the foundation of the Philosophical Faculty at the Leningrad State University are also considered. It is argued that during that period the University became the center of philosophical education in the city. It is noted the important role of the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy V. P. Tugarinov, V. G. Marakhov, Yu. V. Perov in the development of the Faculty of Philosophy, the scientific and pedagogical activities of V. Ya. Komarova, A. A. Galaktionov, P. F. Nikandrov, M. I. Shakhnovich, M. A. Kissel and others are noted. The post-Soviet period of philosophical education at the St. Petersburg University, associated with the activities of the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy Yu. N. Solonin and the Director of the Institute of Philosophy S. I. Dudnik, is analyzed. The conclusion is made that there was formed important scientific and educational schools of study in the history of philosophy, logic and philosophy of science, Russian philosophy and culture, Eastern philosophy and culture, conflictology, philosophical anthropology and ethics, philosophy of religion and religious studies, museum affairs and monument protection. The special role of Ya. A. Slinin, B. V. Markov, K. S. Pigrov, B. I. Lipsky, E. V. Torchinov, Yu. V. Perov, S. I. Dudnik, B. G. Sokolov, E. G. Sokolov, A. M. Sokolov, A. F. Zamaleev, M. M. Shakhnovich, A. I. Strebkov, L. V. Shipovalova, T. G. Tumanyan, V. Yu. Perov, M. B. Piotrovsky in the formation of these schools is emphasized.
philosophy, culture, education, tradition, university, personality, freedom, science, true
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