
  • Владимир Александрович Щученко Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy, 15, nab. Fontanki, St. Petersburg, 191023, Russian Federation;



Th e subject of the article is religious-idealistic culturology, which traces back to Christian tradition, and its possibilities and ideological perspectives. Categories of incarnation of God, theophany, God- Man, and fi nally godly logos are used in this culturology. Th e last category is analyzed in the works of S.N. Trubetskoy and V.F. Ern in relation to problematics of spiritual life and culture. It is emphasized there that Christian logos is incarnated, humanized logos, and therefore a logos that has spiritualized historic being and culture. At the same time, this category states absolute, unconditional parameters of evaluation critically important to any culturology: that creativity is the origination of something new, that has never been before, this is spiritual way of development; that evangelic logos is personalized and therefore turns to historic specifi cs of individual and axiological worlds: that the concept of Christian logos allows us to overcome the immanent limitation of «conventionally-abstract» ratio, and affi rm the dynamic and hierarchic component of culture and being. In this article a conclusion is made that the development of approaches to culture apprehension is needed. It should be Christian-oriented and take into account both religious teleology and rationally confi rmed analysis methods of individual axiological worlds. Refs 7.


сulture, culturology, Christian logos, incarnation of God, theophany, evaluation, creativity, spiritual development, dynamic hierarchism, personalism, logism, rationalism


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How to Cite

Щученко, В. А. (2018). CHRISTIAN LOGOS AND LOGIC OF CULTURE. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 32(2), 73–87.