
  • Лариса Павловна Морина St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Th e article reviews theoretical study of the sources and the evolution of the concept “the political” in contemporary discourse analysis. Th e author traces the transformation of this concept, starting from the ideas of the founders of discourse analysis who revealed the power intentions of the language and the Foucault idea of determination of the subject by discourse. Th e concept “political” takes on added value elements in the works of Barthes, Bourdieu, Pesce and many others. Th e author sets forth the statement that the classical defi nition of the political as the scope of political institutions and there ideologies in modern culture is not totally comprehensive. A new, relatively non-classical, concept of the political is seen to emerge in discursive analysis. Th at has the extremely extended signifi ed correlated with the socio-cultural reality which is constructed by discursive means. Such “political” breaks the link with the ontology and fi nally asserts itself in the contingent sphere of discourse. Refs. 8.


political, ideology, discourse analysis, modern culture


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How to Cite

Морина, Л. П. (2018). CONCEPT “THE POLITICAL” IN CONTEMPORARY DISCOURSE ANALYSES. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 31(4), 134–141. Retrieved from