Is the Enlightenment possible in Russia today?


  • Александр Владимирович Перцев Ural Federal University named aft er the fi rst President of Russia Boris Yeltsin;


The article discusses topical problems of the higher education in Russia. The author raises a question of criteria and reasons of ineffi ciency education in the sphere of contemporary humanities. In addition, it focuses on the phenomenon of the Enlightenment as a union of science and power. The article considers the main approaches to the notion of society: structural, an approach of civilizations based on American sociology, the Oswald Spengler’s approach, and the approach associated with the “ideology” of Russian Orthodoxy. The author describes the premises of origin of these four approaches and also points out some drawbacks of each one. To improve and implement education in Russia it discusses an approach of the contemporary Enlightenment, that is to educate and prepare students for the goals that are set by the power. The concept of the Enlightenment in Russia can only be based on the Philosophy of life which is based on the will supported by the reason.


education, Russia, the Enlightenment, science, culture, structure, civilization, traditional society, industrial society, informational society, capitalism, orthodoxy, labour, power, Philosophy of life


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Литература / References

Семенникова Л. И. Россия в мировом сообществе цивилизаций. Брянск: Курсив 1995. 608 с.

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Перцев А. В. Молодой Ясперс: рождение экзистенциализма из пены психиатрии. СПб.: Издательство Русской христианской гуманитарной академии 2012. 340 c.

Основы социальной концепции Русской Православной Церкви // Православие и духовное возрождение России. Екатеринбург: Пироговъ 2003. 415 c.



How to Cite

Перцев, А. В. (2018). Is the Enlightenment possible in Russia today?. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 29(2), 8–15. Retrieved from