The Medieval Universities: at the origins of European higher education


  • Олег Эрнестович Душин St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The formation of Universities and system of higher education in medieval Europe of XII–XIII centuries was a necessary process of development of the culture, that was due to many complex social factors and challenges of the era: the tension between secular and religious authorities, centralization of the state, growth of cities and the needs of social life, development of the Church. In general, it should be asserted that the University, regarded as a corporation and Union of scholars which were oriented to search the truth, acquired a special social status. The scientists aimed not only at abstract philosophical studies but also demonstrated a real social force. They formed the intellectual and legal frameworks of medieval urban society. In this sense, today the University remains a symbol of high morality, belief in science and dedication to the truth.


university, corporation, guild, education, tradition, scholasticism, intellectual, magister, scholar, elite


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Литература / References

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How to Cite

Душин, О. Э. (2018). The Medieval Universities: at the origins of European higher education. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 29(2), 26–31. Retrieved from