Philosophy and journalism: concept of event


  • Владимир Юрьевич Быстров St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Алексей Михайлович Соколов St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The article draws attention to the question of communication between discoursive practices of philosophy and journalism and concludes that at the heart of such communication can be the concept of event. The formation analysis of concept of event in modern western philosophy (M. Heidegger, E. Levinas. A. Badju) is presented. The estimation of these elements of a Christian outlook which can be considered as the formation precondition of concept of events is also given. The concept of event allows one not only to pose the question about rapprochement of philosophy and journalism as specific discoursive practices, but also to draw the conclusion that one of possible ways of such rapprochement is the formation of a special direction in modern philosophy — the philosophy of event. Event can be considered as key idea for the rather influential direction in philosophy of XX century to which the name of "existence philosophy" or existentialism has been attached. Moreover, the concept of event not only is founded in the journalism centre as specific discourse, but also it is integrally connected with the internal nature of Christianity. The formation of a new concept of time in Christianity, and also new representations about practices of spiritual self-improvement are the necessary preconditions of formation of the concept of event. Descriptions of mystical experiences of Christian ascetics represented a statement of sequence of states of mind and the analysis of their origin and interrelation. Christianity has opened the internal perspective in the horizon of the world view of the European, and has brought intimate experience of caducity and the transience of existence in this horizon. The formation of the philosophical concept of event should be considered as the logical end of those potentialities which are initially contained in the Christian world view from the very first centuries of its existence. Attempts of comprehension of concept of event in Russian philosophy (A. Mailov, J. Kudrjavtsev) are also described. Refs 12.


philosophy, journalism, discourse, event, time


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How to Cite

Быстров, В. Ю., & Соколов, А. М. (2017). Philosophy and journalism: concept of event. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 33(3), 266–274.

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