Born in revolution (eurasian intuition in P hiloso Phical journalism the early 1920s)


  • Сергей Иванович Дудник St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Лолита Сергеевна Камнева St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Алексей Михайлович Соколов St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



Over the past century in the social sciences much has been done toward finding out and understanding the shocks experienced by mankind during the early 1920s. However, the intellectual experience of the direct participants of the most dramatic developments of the modern history of mankind has intrinsic value. It not only conveys the intimate certainty of what happened, but also reveals its irrefutable logic. It is clear that immersion in the turmoil of revolution is not conducive to the establishment of voluminous philosophical treatises. The intuition which illumines the mind of the thinker of this era, most certainly can be transmitted in the works of a different genre: articles or essays. From this point of view, philosophical writing can be considered the most appropriate form of presentation of ideas about the catastrophic unpredictability of the flow of the present from the past to the future. Perhaps there is none among the Russian thinkers of the revolutionary era, who did not write about Russia’s future. However, among the large number of authors N. S. Trubetskoi, and P. N. Sawicki occupy a special place. This was not just because they were alone among those of the Russian emigrés who critically referred to the Soviet authorities with an assessment of the justice of Bolshevik victories and recognized their achievements in socialist construction. More significantly, Trubetskoy and Savitsky suggested an original methodological strategy that contributed to an adequate description and interpretation of the principles of the development of Russian civilization. Their innovation was so revolutionary that even today they are the source of much academic bewilderment. And yet, even a cursory but unbiased look at the teaching of Trubetskoy and Savitsky is enough to appreciate the fruitfulness of their approach to understanding the essence Russian philosophy of history.


revolution, Eurasianism, civilization imperative, identity


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Трубецкой Н. С. Европа и человечество // Трубецкой Н. С. История. Культура. язык. М.: Прогресс, 1995. С. 55–104.

Савицкий П. Н. Евразия и Европа // Савицкий П. Н. Континент Евразия. М.: Аграф, 1997. С. 141–160.

Савицкий П. Н. Два мира // Савицкий П. Н. Континент Евразия. М.: Аграф, 1997. С. 113–122.

Савицкий П. Н. Евразийство. Опыт систематического изложения // Савицкий П. Н. Континент Евразия. М.: Аграф, 1997. С. 13–80.

Савицкий П. Н. Географические и геополитические основы евразийства // Савицкий П. Н. Континент Евразия. М.: Аграф, 1997. С. 295–302.


Trubetskoi N. S. Evropa i chelovechestvo [Europe and humanity]. Trubetskoi N. S. Istoriia. Kul’tura. Iazyk [History. Culture. Language]. Moscow1995 pp. 55–104. (In Russian)

Savitskii P. N Evraziia i Evropa [Eurasia and Europe]. Savitskii P. N. Kontinent Evraziia [Eurasia Continent]. Moscow Agraf Publ.1997 pp. 141–160. (In Russian)

Savitskii P. N. Dva mira [Two Worlds]. Savitskii P. N. Kontinent Evraziia [Eurasia Continent]. Moscow Agraf Publ.1997 pp. 113–122. (In Russian)

Savitskii P. N. Evraziistvo. Opyt sistematicheskogo izlozheniia [Eurasianism. The experience of systematic expositions]. Savitskii P. N. Kontinent Evraziia [Eurasia Continent]. Moscow Agraf Publ.1997 pp. 13–80. (In Russian)

Savitskii P. N. Geograficheskie i geopoliticheskie osnovy evraziistva [Geographical and geopolitical foundations of Eurasianism]. Savitskii P. N. Kontinent Evraziia [Eurasia Continent]. Moscow Agraf Publ.1997 pp. 295–302 (In Russian)



How to Cite

Дудник, С. И., Камнева, Л. С., & Соколов, А. М. (2017). Born in revolution (eurasian intuition in P hiloso Phical journalism the early 1920s). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 33(1), 22–30.

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