Evolving images of intimacy and sexuality


  • Ilona Błocian University of Wroclaw, 1, plac Uniwersytecki, Wrocław, 50-137, Poland




Images of intimacy and human sexuality have evolved in our culture. They have long been recognized for their great importance to the individual, community and culture. They were recognized better by studying their images, practices and symbols in other cultures, as well as changes in European culture itself and social change processes. The concepts of the turn of the century and the 20th century discovery of the meaning of these spheres of human life (Freud, Foucault) were also of considerable importance. Images have evolved, knowledge and tolerance seemed to increase (Giddens), but their changes have not ceased to occur and this is assessed in a variety of ways today; there is no definitive assessment. They strongly penetrate the iconosphere of our culture, but they did not automatically caused growth of the consciousness of the importance of fusing them with the differing emotional sphere; it seems, therefore, in some theoretical approaches that it is the thing that lacks most in contemporary imagery. This article analyzes the development of image of intimacy and sexuality in European culture from Freud to the present day. The transformation of the perception of these images is justified by the trends of social development associated with the development of new communication channels; the cosmetic medicine industry based on the self-perception of a person in society. And all this is happening under the pressure of the digital society on the sphere of communications, which massively broadcasts stereotypes through new media that form both individual and collective culture.


intimacy, sexuality, emotions, image, iconosphere, philosophical conceptions of man, psychological conceptions of man, psychoanalysis, Freud, Foucault, Giddens


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How to Cite

Błocian, I. (2022). Evolving images of intimacy and sexuality. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 38(4), 622–630. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu17.2022.415