The problem of conflict in the historical and philosophical dimension


  • Сергей Иванович Дудник St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Игорь Дмитриевич Осипов St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The article is devoted to the issue of conflict in the history of Western philosophy. In this context, encompasses different periods in the development of Western philosophy. Analyzed concepts of Plato and Aristotle and argues that the ancient philosophy of the conflict based on a synthesis of the mythological and philosophical ideas, on ideas about the necessity of harmony in the relationship of man with nature and justice social policy in the state. The causes of the revolution in society seen in the violation of this balance. The article examines the understanding of conflicts in the Middle Ages in connection with the peculiarities of Christian ethics. It is shown that this view was mainly due to the opposition of soul and body, teaching on the sinful human nature. This philosophy can be defined as the concept of intrapersonal conflicts, which required appropriate practices to overcome conflicts. Also analyzed the concept of conflict in this New time, even in the era of modernization. In particular, analyzed the philosophy of Locke, Kant, D. S. Mill, Hegel and Marx, and the concepts of conflict G. Simmel, L. Kozer, R. Dahrendorf. It is shown that the rationalistic philosophy of man and ethics of egoism largely contributed to the development of the theory of personality in which the inconsistency of its nature is seen as natural and positive as contributing to the progress of society. The concepts of constitutionalism, democracy and the rule of law, reflected a fundamental change in the philosophy of the conflict.


philosophy, conflict, society, history, personality, freedom


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How to Cite

Дудник, С. И., & Осипов, И. Д. (2018). The problem of conflict in the historical and philosophical dimension. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 34(2), 142–150.

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