The experience of the historian of philosophy: on the non-philosophical origins of the philosophical practice


  • Александр Владимирович Дьяков St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The review proposes the analyses of the intellectual experience of the historian of philosophy that is determined by the ideological and the political factors that lay behind the realm of the philosophy. The author proposes and arguments the theses about the mean role of the nonphilosophical origins of the influence as for the philosophy as itself both the activity of the historian of philosophy. From the Greek ancient epoch the basis of the philosophy is the faith in the universal laws of the nature and their intelligible character the historian of philosophy based on the faith into the intelligible laws of the development of the thought, and their origin is the historicism that is doctrinally birth by the ideological corpus of the Western Enlightenment. The history of philosophy in the modern state is a space in which unfolds the activity of the historian of philosophy, representing an epistemological anarchist, but in reality, masking it visible anarchism its bias by the political paradigm of Western civilization. As a result, the history of philosophy turns out to be a sphere of unfolding specific political and ideological programs, and the experience of the historian of philosophy is not narrowly professional, but political work. This personal experience by its nature is decisive for the formation of the image of philosophy and the picture of its historical development. Given this fact, the author suggests the need to qualify the history of philosophy as a register of knowledge, which is constantly renewed problematic the central concepts, marking the basic conceptual points and the definition of the general direction of thought. As a result, the author proposes to recognize the historian of philosophy as much as a greater degree of creative freedom than is assumed in the traditional way of the intellectual, working in a positive way with the corpus of philosophical texts and ideas.


history of philosophy, historiography, French philosophy, doxography, metaphysics, actor


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How to Cite

Дьяков, А. В. (2019). The experience of the historian of philosophy: on the non-philosophical origins of the philosophical practice. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 35(1), 222–229.