The projects of doctrine of worldview in the light of lingua-cultural analysis


  • Alexander A. Lvov Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 12/1, Goncharnaya ul., Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation



The paper proposes a diachronic study of the worldview phenomenon by the means of linguaconceptual analysis, together with genealogical method. The study consists of three issues. First, to compare the cultural and linguistic specifications of worldview problematic in German, Russian, and Anglo-American philosophical cultures. Further, to discover disciplinary intersections of those branches of knowledge, in which these doctrines of worldview are in demand. Finally, to compare the status of such doctrines in current philosophy, taking into account the prevailing epistemological attitudes in the German-, Russian- and English-language traditions. The identified similarities and differences in the ideas about the essence and tasks of the doctrine of worldview will make it possible either to assert that worldview problematic fits into the historical and philosophical perspective as a unit-idea, or to disprove it. Among the similarities identified in these philosophical cultures, it should be noted: shaping of an integrative system of views, including elements of both “scientific” and “non-scientific” philosophy; combination of the logical set of argumentations with the creative freedom of research; rethinking the principle of self-care by creating a holistic conceptual picture of the world. The latter includes not only axiological and anthropological identification strategies, but also the substantiation of the starting positions on which these pictures of the world are built. The revealed differences concern the discursive practices that substantiate these pictures of the world. Those practices are: scientific, traditional (including religious), linguistic (including communicative), and they can also intertwine each other. An analysis of modern authors’ doctrines of worldview shows the relevance of worldview issues in the perspective of the “perennial philosophy” project. At the same time, the current paper demonstrates that the modern doctrines of worldview can be conceptually considered as a way of understanding and criticism of modern culture.


worldview, doctrine of worldview, lingua-cultural analysis, care of self, perennial philosophy


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How to Cite

Lvov, A. A. (2023). The projects of doctrine of worldview in the light of lingua-cultural analysis. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 39(2), 261–273.