Risk-reflections’ Conflict Potential: Conceptual Models and Research Problems of the Modern Analytics


  • Andrei V. Aleinikov St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Alexandr I. Strebkov St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Vladimir P. Miletskiy St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation




Correlation problem of contradictions between “risk-beneficiaries” and “risk-outsiders” gains particular relevance during periods of the established order’s forced change and fundamental, ontological uncertainty. On the basis of riskological literature generalization we offer conflict potential’s analysis methodology of different risk-reflections’ types. Theoretical developments on problems of risk and protection/security forms’ dialectic and dialectic of risk’s foundation and its reflection had served as research’s conceptual framework. In this debate special place is occupied by works by U.Beck whose interpretation of actualization of social tensions is linked with the conflictual perception of risks’ producers and consumers and works by P.Virno who suggested certain theoretical solutions on methodology of risks-reflexivity’s key elements’ singling out. Authors’ attention is focused on the main reflexive characteristics of stakeholders’ analysis. It is shown that risk-reflections are fraught with ideological and political preferences while in risks’ distribution process there is difference of hierarchies in which under certain stakeholders’ dominance, risk-beneficiaries shape outsiders’ adaptation strategies to their advantage in zone of threats and dangers, imposing them certain risk-reflections models, winning chances’ institualization forms and risk behavior strategies. Article considers approaches to the solution of the issue of the different interests’ groups’ selection criteria of the dangers’ priorities’ importance and significance and evaluation/revaluation/underestimation issue of risk severity levels and its social acceptability. Article presents theoretical perspective of the socially acceptable risk level, its capacity, limit and disagreement of social subjects with the evaluation of tolerance towards risk on the basis of “risk-appetite” model. In this context special attention is paid to the threats’ free “selling and buying” logic, e.g. security as the source of risk management resources’ conversion into possession of power and property. Authors come to the conclusion that risks exploitation and earning rent from risks management along with reflexive conservation of risks’ distribution system cause society’s conflict potential’s growth.


risk, risk-reflection, conflict, uncertainty, risk-stakeholders, risk-beneficiary, risk- outsiders


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* Levada Center is recognized as a foreign agent in Russian Federation.



How to Cite

Aleinikov, A. V., Strebkov, A. I. ., & Miletskiy, V. P. (2023). Risk-reflections’ Conflict Potential: Conceptual Models and Research Problems of the Modern Analytics. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 39(3), 514–530. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu17.2023.309

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